Wednesday, September 23, 2015



My name is Carole and founder of DivineMade. I actually specialize in bringing out or pulling out the beauty out of the mess. We were all created beautifully Divine. Nobody is useless. We are all useful towards each other. I see beauty wherever there is a messy situation. I believe we need to re-adjust our lenses so we may be able to see the beauty in every person, every situation and every environment etc..

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Do you know that the soap dates back to almost six thousand years!!!

Although no one really knows how the soap was actually discovered, however there are many legends surrounding the invention of soap. According to the Romans, soap gets its name from Mount Sapo. Animals were sacrificed on Mount Sapo.  Rains washed the fat of the sacrificed animals along with the alkaline wooden ashes from the sacrificial fires into the Tiber River. This mixture helped people in cleaning their clothes, amazing!

Check back on my blog to learn more about the World of Soaps!